Saturday, May 26, 2012

On Bloggers

I always thought that bloggers were guys in their mid-thirties living in their mothers basements secretly writing about non-existent lives and luring people into their pervert-y traps, and maybe they are--but now that I'm a blogger and I'm the complete opposite of my misconception, that may not be true.
Then, after my previous opinion on bloggers was disproved by the movie Julie and Julia, I started to believe bloggers were women who had nothing better to do with their day then tell about their exciting trips to the nearest Starbucks or how their love lives have taken a recent nose-dive and they just had to tell anyone who was bored enough to listen. After that fiasco, I finally didn't really think about bloggers much. I knew about Vloggers on YouTube and such and actually quite enjoy hearing their monologues on issues they disagreed or agreed with. Vloggers fascinate me, but I knew I would never start a video blog, because honestly, people are cruel on YouTube. YouTube is a place where the socially inept gather and take a video, song, or whatever else you can find on YouTube and start to viciously tear it apart with their crude, smart-alec, pointless or otherwise discouraging comments. I've watched, over the course of a few years, how those people monopolize the videos, stripping them down until all there was left was a bunch of ignorant opinions. I mean, there are people on YouTube that are alright, but they are a minority. Honestly, I applaud the people who disable the comments.
Anyways, YouTube wasn't going to be a place where I put videos of myself up.
Finally, my mother was the one who suggested I start a blog.
Like hundreds of others before me, I am an aspiring writer. Someday I wish to travel the world on book tours and own various homes around the globe and basically live life as a reclusive author and spend time with family. My mother said it would be practice for my writing and it would get people's attention. We'll see.
So, I guess I have to tell you--whoever you are--about myself. But I'm not the type of person to go on forever describing hair color and the intricacies of my Day to the Mall. I like to discuss real things, like YouTube for example, although that is not all I have to say about the topic. Don't get me wrong, I love YouTube, just not the people on it. If you have a channel on YouTube and are a frequent commentator, sorry if I have offended, but it's the truth and this isn't going to be a blog where I sugar coat real life and make people feel cozy warm and safe and say all the right things. When did anyone accomplish anything without having to say the things others were too afraid to admit? So, if I ever say some thing that feels like a slap to the face, then...go away, I guess? Stop reading? If you like some one who paints rainbows and tells about their Unicorn farm, then you have come to the wrong place. I promise, I will be real and tell the truth. This is my voice and I have the Freedom of Speech. Get used to it.